HV industry is a very promising market,It's worthy of developing and expanding.I do not deny that every HV corporation must be have its flagship and distinctive products .
However, As The innovator of China HV industry, We have a resposibility and obligation to spread our philosophy for making Wisman HV products get the more widely popularization and application. Meanwhile, To create more profits for customer and meet their cost reduction demands.
Since the establishment of Wisman company, We always have the defined goals and know who we are, what we do. With respect to Wisman brand positioning in the market, We never compete with other HV manufacturer in China. Due to our all raw materials and advanced technology introduced for abroad, So Wismanhv products have ultra-low ripple/noisy and high stability advantage. Thus, We only compete with the HV manufacturers of Germany, USA, UK and Japan with good price n quick delivery. We develop the many different digital communication protocol softwares to matched high voltage power supply, including: RS-232, RS-422,USB2.0,IEEE,Ethernet interface etc. In a word, We hope we become strategic partner not just cooperator.